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Adrea Benkoff, M.D., (right) a retired ophthalmologist, 他带领两个OUWB小组之一参观了法明顿山的泽克尔曼大屠杀中心.



In addition to the students, others in the group included Duane Mezwa, M.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB, along with program co-directors — Jason Wasserman, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, Hedy Wald, Ph.D., clinical professor of Family Medicine at Alpert 医疗 School of Brown University, faculty member at Harvard 医疗 School Global Pediatrics Leadership Program.


但是,如果不首先对大屠杀有一个广泛的了解,这是不可能做到的——这也是参观当地纪念中心的主要原因之一, 沃瑟曼说.

 “Much of our time in Auschwitz is going to be focused on the physician’s role, 要么站在纳粹一边参与大屠杀,要么站在囚犯一边反抗,他说.



“我喜欢OUWB非常以社区为导向的事实,我认为引入像大屠杀纪念馆这样的地方就是以这种方式为基础的, 太,沃尔德说。. “我们可以看到社区中有我们可以学习的资源,这很重要.”

‘Really leaves an impression’

According to its 网站, the Zekelman Holocaust Center dates to 1984, 当时它刚作为大屠杀纪念中心在西布卢姆菲尔德犹太社区中心的校园里开放. It relocated to its current location in 2004. (地址是乌节湖路28123号,距离十大菠菜台子主校区有30分钟车程.)

(Story continues below.)

该中心向公众开放,该组织表示,每年有超过100人进入该中心,000 people through “our teacher trainings, virtual museum experiences, virtual programs, in-person visits to the museum.”


Adrea Benkoff, M.D., a retired ophthalmologist, led one of two OUWB groups. 自2004年以来,本科夫一直是该中心的讲解员,她说她以前曾和公开大学的学生一起参观过.

“I’m always happy to do anything that’s requested, 尤其是对这个群体来说,因为他们非常密切地关注一切与医学伦理的关系,”她说。.

Paoula Choobchian called it “emotional and informative.”

“Sometimes I just had to hold my tears back,”她说。. “看到囚犯们不得不忍受的各种不同情况,真是太令人惊讶了……太令人难过了。.”

同时, chobchian说她“很高兴有这个机会让我看到历史”,尤其是在她准备成为一名医生的时候.

乔纳森灰色, an OUWB student participating in the study trip, 他说他以前和其他学校团体一起去过纪念中心.


The OUWB group also heard a Holocaust survivor speak.

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大屠杀幸存者雷内·利希特曼(Rene Lichtman)与OUWB的一个旅行团分享了他的经历.

Rene Lichtman, Ph.D., 帮助成立了密歇根隐藏的儿童和儿童幸存者组织以及世界大屠杀犹太儿童幸存者联合会. His has been a painter, a political activist, 一个导演, worked for 20 years in 博蒙特健康’s education department.

For the OUWB group, 李奇曼讲述了他在二战期间躲藏的经历——从与家人分离到最终团聚.

“谈论大屠杀并确保人们了解这些事情非常重要,李奇曼说. 他说,考虑到他们作为医生的责任,对未来的医生来说,理解这一点尤为重要.

Hearing directly from a survivor has a big impact, 太, he said.

“It really leaves an impression,他说. “这些人会用他们的余生来记住我……从现在起30或40年后会发生一些事情,会引发对我的记忆。.”

‘A life-changing experience’

The OUWB Study Trip to Auschwitz was announced last September.

It is scheduled to consist of a seven-day trip to Poland, with guided tours of places such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, special lectures, interactive workshops.


Humanism in patient care celebrated at Oakland University


‘Heroic work’ of Jewish doctors during Holocaust offers lessons for today’s physicians, say OUWB professors

A seven-week seminar will follow the trip, 作为OUWB医学人文与临床生物伦理学(MHCB) 3课程的一部分, in which students will discuss and reflect upon the trip experience, the relevance of this history to contemporary medicine, 并制定项目,将他们在研讨会晚宴上学到的知识传播给开放大学的其他社区团体, OU, 及以后.


Funding for the trip is from numerous donors, including the Bella Rozencweig Hirsch Endowment for Biomedical Ethics.

When first announced, 项目申请对所有学术成绩良好的一年级医学生开放. Applicants had to write three essays. The 20 students selected were notified in late February.

从那时起, 除纪念访问外,筹备会议一直在进行,包括历史和背景, 阅读, group reflection.

梅兹瓦说,这样的准备工作将为参加考察旅行的人带来“最大价值”, including himself. Before leaving for Poland, Mezwa said he also plans to visit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.


For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at [email protected].

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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